I am going to compile here all the stuff I can about ecosocialisms. Here is a picture of my bicycle in contrast with the road. I use it predominantly to get around London Ontario Canada. Every city I have lived I have biked in (Oakville, Misissauga, Toronto, Vancouver) Currently the situation on the roads, sharing the roads with Cars is downright scary. People in cars generally do not take into consideration there is a weight ratio factor that makes it dangerous for us bicyclistas to be defensive while sharing the roadways. In London there is only 10% of all roadways that are bicycle friendly. The people's attitudes and miseducation towards cyclists is very poor. I'm sure we all have some interesting stories. I hope for others to contribute experiencs on your bike that have really made you think.
It can't be worse than Windsor. Even though there are more bikes on the road now than when we moved here 10 years ago, this is still a autocentric, bicycle disrespecting (that's putting it mildly) town. I brave the roads, none the less.